CEO Lehtonen speaks in Eurasian Orthopedic Forum

Live: Wed 6th of May at 3:00PM EEST/Helsinki

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Eurasian Orthopedic Forum Online Club Invites Online conference

"Biodegradable implants: fashion tendency or a step into the future?"

Bioimplants were quickly introduced into regular medical practice and now are widely used in various fields of traumatology from arthroscopy to vertebrology. EOF Club experts decided to sort out whether bioimplant is an output of a fashion trend or the future of traumatology? Conference speakers will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bioimplants use:

in the treatment of intra-articular fractures in emergency traumatology; hand surgery; foot and ankle surgery; pediatric traumatology.

EOF Speakers:

Dr. Leonid K. Brizhan, Head of the Center of traumatology and orthopedics - Chief traumatologist of the Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital

Dr. Alexey M. Fine, Head of the Department of musculoskeletal system emergency traumatology of the Sklifosovsky research Institute of emergency medicine of Moscow

Dr. Andrey G. Polkin, Head of the Department of hand surgery of the R. R. Vreden Moscow State Medical Center

Dr. Tarasov Nikolai Ivanovich, Head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics, Children's city clinical hospital No. 13 named after N. F. Filatov, Moscow

Dr. Nikke Partio, Orthopedic and trauma specialist in Tampere University Hospital, Finland

Mr. Timo Lehtonen, CEO at Bioretec, M.Sc. in Material Sciences, Senior expert in biomaterials and drug delivery research and development.


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