Combined benefits in one
Unstable Weber B or Weber C class syndesmosis fractures are typically treated operatively. Syndesmosis fractures fixed with bioabsorbable Activa screw allows the micromovement in the tibio-fibular joint with stability benefits known from traditional screw fixation and all this without foreign body material irritating the patient.
Syndesmosis fixation using Activa screws
Our syndesmosis screws: ActivaScrew™ or ActivaScrew™ Cannulated, are easy to use in the operating theatre. ActivaScrew™ is compatible with the standard AO-instrumentation and can be inserted through normal AO-plate if needed. Activa screws allow the micromovement in the tibiofibular joint with the benefit of returning joints original mechanics, without leaving any foreign material to the body. As the implant is bioabsorbable, the surgeon avoids the implant removal operation or harm from the implant breakage. Patient benefits as there are no irritating or rubbing metals outside the bone.
“One size fits all” - custom screw length obtained for all patients by cutting the implant to ideal length after the insertion. With the patented Auto-Compression™ also the fully threaded screw will produce more compression during the healing by shortening lengthwise 1-2 % to achieve the extra compression.
ActivaScrew™ Cannulated ActivaScrew™
Technique animation
White Papers
Syndesmosis Fixation Using ActivaScrew™s in Three Weber C-Type Ankle Fracture Cases
Webinars related to the indication
Eurasian Orthopedic Forum Online Club Conference on bioabsorbable implants

Why this technique?
Properties of conventional technique with the benefit of allowing micromovement in the tibiofibular joint.
Removals are not necessary as the implant is bioresorbable and patient doesn´t have uncomfortable metals rubbing in the bone surface.
Only one length is needed, as Activa can be custom cut according to every patient´s anatomy.